sunny lunch in sicily | a cooking class + lunch @ the Barn | may 5th

sunny lunch in sicily | a cooking class + lunch @ the Barn | may 5th


monday, may 5, 2025

11 am - 3 pm

I am obsessed with the fascinating island of Sicily.  Thanks to its dramatic history - everyone from Arabs to Normans have governed the island thru the ages - Sicily’s cuisine represents a complex mish-mash of cultures. Plus, the island itself is incredibly fertile; produce grown on Sicily includes olives, oranges, lemons, eggplants, tomatoes, pistachios, almonds, grapes, and more—not to mention all of the seafood fished right off the coast. The result? A cuisine that’s fresh, varied, and absolutely addictive!

During today’s class we will also learn (and sip!) all about Sicily’s fascinating winemaking history and the wines from this rocky, volcanic island, which are world-class, as are the badass winemakers…many of them re-introducing ancients grapes and winemaking techniques.

During today’s class, we will celebrate la dolce vita over a big lunch of what we’ve prepared during a picnic under the big oak (weather permitting.)

*please be aware of the Barn’s cancellation policy before signing up

*this is a wine-included class

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cooking classes + creative workshops

+ Cooking classes and creative workshops are always small, hands-on, laid-back, focus on what’s in season, and culminate with a festive, shared meal.

+ Once purchased, your class or workshop tuition is non-refundable, but you may have someone attend in your place if you are unable to attend.

+ If the class or workshop must be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances on the part of the Barn, you will have the choice of scheduling a new class or workshop or receiving a complete refund.

+ The Barn is surrounded by hills, grassy areas, rocks, and changes in elevation. Please dress appropriately, comfortable footwear and an extra layer of warmth is recommended.

+ Not responsible for personal injury or accidents while on the Barn property.

+ Please inquire regarding booking a private class for yourself or your small group.